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MetaDesign 虎虎生威 Year of the Tiger

MetaDesign wishes you good health, good luck, and good fortune in the Year of the Tiger!

[hǔ hǔ shēng wēi]

虎虎生威 [hǔ hǔ shēng wēi] means the Year of the Tiger will bring power and vitality.

[hǔ tóu hǔ nǎo]

福娃头戴虎头帽,欢声笑语新年到。 两只老虎,两只老虎,福来到,福来到~
A festive hat worn by children during Chinese New Year. 
Hidden in the hair of the child is a famous Chinese nursery rhyme about two tigers running.

[lǎo hǔ yóu]

虎标万金油,健康心无忧。 祝最爱的你在新年里身体健康,万事不愁!
Tiger balm, a traditional cure-all named ‘lǎo hǔ yóu’(老虎油) in Chinese, phonetically similar to ‘love you’. 
Wishing you love and good health in the Year of the Tiger.

[hǔ shì dān dān]

一心一意向钱看! 祝您在新的一年里财源滚滚,元宝多多!
An idiom meaning to stare greedily at prey, in this case golden treasure (元宝 yuán bǎo).

[zhāo cái dà māo]

招财神器一招手,money 好运全都有!
Lucky cat is a widely used feng shui symbol believed to bring good luck and fortune – literally waving in the money. 
In this case, the bigger cat, the bigger the fortune!

[hǔ nián hǎo hǔ qì]

大金链子花棉袄,大虎大贵万事好! 祝您在新的一年里以王者之姿掌控全局!
Reign Supreme in 2022!
(A playful twist on fashion brand Supreme, replacing 'su' with the Chinese word for tiger - 虎 'hǔ'.
A reminder that the fearless tiger reigns 'hupreme'.)

[měng hǔ chū lóng]

Nothing can hold you back in the Year of the Tiger! Wishing you power and prosperity this year.

[hú le]

The word for Tiger (虎 hǔ) shares its pronunciation with the word for 'winning (胡 hú)' in Mahjong. Hu-Le!

[èr líng èr èr]

拍拍牛背,顺顺虎毛~  2022虎年大吉!
Typographic stripes welcome the Year of the Tiger with the Chinese numerals 二〇二二 (2022).

Creative Director: Sally Anderson
Design Director: GeeHwee Lim
Senior Designer: Liz Huang, Freeman Teng, Feng He
Designer: Qi Qiao, Isaac Zhang
Motion Designer: Yongcheng Low, Hao Gong
Photographer: Zhiwen Cong
Project Manager: Joe Yue

MetaDesign 虎虎生威 Year of the Tiger

MetaDesign 虎虎生威 Year of the Tiger


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